Police caught a Catholic priest engaging in a sexual act with a 15 year old boy on the Penn State Scranton campus in Dunmore, Pennsylvania, on September 19, 2013. Various sex offense charges have been filed against Rev. W. Jeffrey Paulish including involuntary deviate...
Sex Offenses
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Sex Offenses: Male Prostitute Operating at Wal-Mart Gets Plea Deal
It turns out that you really can get anything money can buy at Wal-Mart, even a male prostitute. In a recent blog post, I explained that America's Wal-Marts have a higher crime rate per square yard than even places like Allison Hill, North Philly or Camden. This is...
Sex Offenses: The Strange Tale of How Pennsylvania Legalized Bestiality
There have been no shortage of utterly absurd laws in the United States criminalizing sexual activity between consenting adults, and Pennsylvania is no exception. Pennsylvania once had an offense known as "voluntary deviate sexual intercourse," with "deviate sexual...